Patricia Paugh
Patricia Paugh is a professor in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Massachusetts Boston, where she teaches literacy methods courses and is graduate program director for elementary education. Pat’s scholarship is centered on issues of critical and disciplinary literacy in early childhood and elementary education primarily through collaborative research with teachers in urban classrooms.
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Paugh, P. & MacPhee, D. (2023). Learning to be Literate: More than a single story. W.W. Norton Co. Publishers.
- Paugh, P., Kress, T. & Lake, R. (Eds.). (2014). Teaching toward democracy with post-modern and popular culture texts. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers
- Dudley-Marling, C. & Paugh, P.C. (2009) A classroom teacher’s guide to struggling writers. Portsmouth: Heinemann.
- Dudley-Marling, C. & Paugh, P.C (2004). A classroom teacher’s guide to struggling readers. Portsmouth: Heinemann.
Selected Articles
- MacPhee, D., Handsfield, L., & Paugh, P. (2021). Conflict or Conversation?: Media Portrayals of the Science of Reading, Reading Research Quarterly,56 (1), 5145-5155.
- Silvestri, K. N., Jordan, M. E., Paugh, P., McVee, M. B., & Schallert, D. L. (2021). Intersecting Engineering and Literacies: A Review of the Literature on Communicative Literacies in K-12 Engineering Education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 11(1), Article 1.
- Paugh, P., & Wendell K. (2021). Disciplinary literacy in STEM: A functional approach. Journal of Literacy Research. 53 (1), 122-144,
- Paugh, P., Wendell, K., & Wright, C. (2018). Elementary engineering as a synergistic site for disciplinary and linguistic learning in an urban classroom. Literacy Research: Theory, Method, Practice, 67 (1), 261-278.
- Wright, C., Wendell, K., & Paugh, P. (2018). ‘Just put it together to make no commotion:’ Re-imagining urban elementary students’ participation in engineering design practices, International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, & Technology (Special Issue on Engineering Education), 6 (3), 285-301.
- Paugh, P. (2015). Discourses as resources: Active literacy practices and a microculture of rich meaning making in an urban elementary classroom. Literacy Research: Theory, Methods, and Practice, Volume 64, (pp.132-148).
- Paugh, P. & Moran, M. (2013). Growing language awareness in the classroom garden. Language Arts, 90 (4), 253-267.
- Paugh, P., & Fries, M.K. (2012). Why joint inquiry partnerships between practitioners and teacher educators support effective education reform. Teacher Education and Practice, 24 (4), 468-471.
- Paugh, P., Carey, J., King-Jackson, V., and Russell, S., (2007). Negotiating the literacy block: Constructing spaces for critical literacy in a high-stakes setting. Language Arts, 85 (1), 31–42.
Selected Book Chapters
- Paugh, P., & Acevedo, M. (in press). Shifting the Discourse of Expertise through Engagement with Quality Multicultural and Multilingual Children’s Literature. In Olmstead & Yurko (Eds.) Using Global Children’s Literature as a Path to Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy. Peter Lang Publishers.
- Handsfield, L. J., & MacPhee, D. & Paugh, P. (In press). Misrecognition, the “Science of Reading,” and the ongoing struggle for the legitimate discourse of the field of reading education. In G, Stahl, M. Mu, P. Ayling, and E. B. Weininger (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Bourdieu in Educational Research. Bloomsbury Press.
- Paugh, P. (2022). “I’m writing to teach those who do not know”: Making the Case for Inclusive Pedagogy that Values Difference and Capitalizes on Students’ Expertise. In D. Conrad, & T. Abodeeb-Gentile (Eds.). Intersections of Diversity, Literacy, and Learner Difficulties: Conversations between teacher, students and researchers (pp. 15-33), Springer International.
- Paugh, P., Wendell, K., & Wright, C. (2022). The Face-to-Face Language of Engineering Design Teams in Urban Elementary Classrooms. In Wilson-Lopez, A., Tucker-Raymond, E., Esquinca, A., & Mejia, A. J. (Eds.). The Literacies of Design: Studies of Equity and Imagination in Engineering and Making. (pp. 102-119).West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
- Paugh, P. & Robinson, E. (2009). Participatory research as self-study. In C. Lassonde, S. Galman, & C. Kosnick (Eds.), Self-Study research methodologies for teacher educators. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Dudley-Marling, C., & Paugh, P. (2005).The rich get richer and the poor get Direct Instruction. In B. Altwerger (Ed.), Reading for profit: The commercialization of reading instruction (pp. 156-171). Portsmouth: Heinemann.
- Feldman, A., Paugh, P., and Mills, G. (2004). Self-Study through action research. In J.J. Loughran, M.L. Hamilton, V. Kubler-LaBoskey, and T. Russell (Eds.), International handbook of self-study of teaching and teacher education practices (pp. 943-977). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Grant Funded Projects
- National Science Foundation, Project Grant (2017 – 2021), Title: Integrating science content and engineering thinking in the elementary classroom, Co-Investigator
Total Amount: $1,127,305. - National Science Foundation, Basic Research Grant (2013-2018), Title: Collaborative research: Multimedia engineering notebook tools to support engineering discourse in urban elementary classrooms, PI and Co-Investigator Amount: $262, 806
- UMASS Boston partnership with Boston Public Schools on MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Partnership Grant. Topic: Professional development for BPS teachers in science literacy. January through June 2010. Amount: $25,000
- University of Massachusetts Boston Curriculum & Instruction Departmental-Level Funding
Award for Faculty Scholarship Activity (2007-2008), Title: Exploring literacy development for Science and History content with urban school partners
Amount: $1200 - Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Teacher Quality Grant Program (2005 - 2008),
Title: Developing embedded professional practices for meeting the literacy needs of English Language Learners, Project Director (PI)
Amount: $270,000 - Healey Endowment Grant (2004). University of Massachusetts Amherst, Title: Creating instructional practices inclusive of the needs of struggling students within the general literacy curriculum: An investigation of a sociocultural theoretical model by academic and school-based research partners
Amount: $10,000