Carol Cosenza
Additional Information
Carol Cosenza joined the Center for Survey Research at the University of Massachusetts Boston in 1988. She is currently a project manager and coordinates the center’s Cognitive Testing and Question Evaluation work. She has been involved in all phases of the survey process – from question design to data coding and analysis. The recent focus of her methodological efforts has been comparing the different ways survey questions can be evaluated and how to understand what is learned from that testing. As a project manager, she has been responsible for coordinating more than 50 studies on a broad range of topics including: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW); the National Survey of Job Tasks, Skills, and Technology, the Study of Pennsylvania’s CNAs and Non-Certified Professional Caregivers, and the development and testing of Nursing Home CAHPS. Ms. Cosenza collaborates with the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making designing surveys to measure and evaluate patient-physician shared decision making. She has also worked with the Center for Social Development and Education, UMass Boston, developing both national school-based surveys and international surveys for the Special Olympics. Ms. Cosenza graduated from Dartmouth College and has her MSW from Boston University.