Jose Rodrigues
Director: Camões Center for Portuguese Language
Phone: 617.287.3815
José da Cunha Rodrigues is the Director of the Camões Center for Portuguese Language (CPL) at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The CPL was established in 2009 as a joint venture between the Latin American & Iberian Studies Department and the Camões Institute, I.P., Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He holds a Ph.D. in Portuguese Studies, specializing in Lusophone Literature and Culture. He is a faculty member in the Romance Languages & Literatures Department at Boston College. Also, he serves as an Educational advisor for the Coordination of Portuguese Education in the USA at the Consulate General of Portugal in Boston. Since 2022, he has been a researcher in Group 5, Literatures, Arts, and Transcultures at The Centre for Global Studies (CEG-UAb). He has published various articles, papers, and books in Portuguese and English. À Luz da Kabbalah (2008) includes a preface by Valter Hugo Mãe, Jose Saramago Literary Prize winner.
Area of Expertise
All levels of Portuguese Language and Literature. Afro-Luso-Brazilian Cinema and Literature. Portuguese as a foreign and second language; Portuguese for heritage speakers; Portuguese for Spanish speakers; differentiated instruction in Lusophone and Hispanophone languages and literatures; student-centered learning in a multicultural environment; bilingual and bicultural proficiency, and cooperative learning.
Ph.D. Lusophone/Portuguese Literature & Culture, Aberta University, in partnership with Brown University, 2022
M.A. in Portuguese Literature, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal, 2017
Post-Graduation in Portuguese Post-Colonial Studies, Coimbra University/University of Bologna, 2015
B.A. in Education, Major: Portuguese & German, Minho University, Portugal, 1999
Professional Publications & Contributions
Selected / Referred Articles
- 2024
Estudos Judaicos: Literatura Portuguesa, Anthology. organized by Gerson Roani, José Rodrigues, Lyslei Nascimento, and Silvana Pêssoa, Editora Mercado de Letras. - Didática de Línguas de Herança: fundamentos e estudos (Didática de Línguas de Herança: contribuições dos estudos e práticas de língua portuguesa, Rodrigues, José da Cunha, Glossário Comentado: Diáspora, imigração portuguesa e tradição.) (Portuguese Edition) vol. 3.
- 2023
Em que português nos (des)entendemos? Lusofonia e suas derivas. Vol. 5 Núm. 3 (2023): ÑEMITỸRÃ – Revista Multilingüe de Lengua, Sociedad y Educación Publicación del Instituto Superior de Lenguas de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. - 2022
A doutrina dos trânsitos segundo Fernando Pessoa e seus desacertos na arte zodiacal, org. Congresso Internacional “Figurações Interartes” (CLEPUL, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa). - O papel da raposa no fabulário judaico medieval pp-9-30 in Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Estudos Judaicos da UFMG (Brasil) v. 16 n. 31
- 2021
(Book) Jewish Ethics From Portugal. Shlomo Pereira and Eli Rosenfeld. Chabad Press Portugal. (bilingual edition) - (Book) Letter from Lisbon. From the Rebbe’s Diary (June 11, 1941). Shlomo Pereira and Eli Rosenfeld. Chabad Press Portugal. (bilingual edition)
- (Book) Monuments in Paper and Parchment: Jewish Printing from Portugal: Printers, Authors, and Sages. Shlomo Pereira and Eli Rosenfeld. Chabad Press Portugal. (bilingual edition)
- 2020
Revista Philos, Manuel de Instruções em Lucia Berlim - 2008
(Book) À Luz da Kabbalah, José Cunha Rodrigues, Guerra & Paz publishing - 2006
(Book) The Power of Kabbalah, Yehuda Berg. José da Cunha Rodrigues (translation/preface) Bertrand publishers
Additional Information
Office: Healey Library, 6th floor, room 12
More info: Center for the Portuguese Language