Shuai Jin
Area of Expertise
Comparative Politics, Economic Inequality and Redistribution, Chinese Politics, Public Opinion, Quantitative Methods
PhD, University of Iowa, 2017
MPhil, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012
MA, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2010
BA, Fudan University, 2009
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Jin, Shuai. Forthcoming. “Does Soft Propaganda Work: The Impact of Inequality Rhetoric on Opinions toward Economic Inequality in China.” The China Review. Jin, Shuai, and Yingnan Zhou. 2021.
- Jin, Shuai, and Yingnan Zhou. 2021. “An Authoritarian Undercurrent in the Post-materialist Tide: The Rise of Authoritarianism Among the Younger Generation in China.” Social Science Quarterly 102(1): 90-106.
- Zhou, Yingnan, and Shuai Jin. 2018. “Inequality and Political Trust in China: The Social Volcano Thesis Reexamined.” The China Quarterly 236: 1033-62.
- Jin, Shuai, and Yingnan Zhou. 2018. “Economic Inequality and Authoritarian Legitimacy: The Case of China.” Chapter 6 in Inequality and Democratic Politics in East Asia, eds. Chong-Min Park and Eric M. Uslaner, 116-37. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Jin, Shuai, and Frederick Boehmke. 2017. “Proper Specification of Non-proportional Hazards Corrections in Duration Models.” Political Analysis 25(1): 138-44.
- Tang, Wenfang, Yue Hu, and Shuai Jin (corresponding author). 2016. “Affirmative Inaction: Education, Language Proficiency, and Socioeconomic Attainment among China′s Uyghur Minority.” Chinese Sociological Review 48(4): 346-66.
- Wang, Yu, and Shuai Jin. 2013. “Veto Players and Foreign Aid Provision.” Constitutional Political Economy 24(1): 43-56.
Additional Information
Fall 2022 Office Hours: MW 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Shuai Jin researches political consequences of economic inequality, Chinese politics, and public opinion. She also studies quantitative methods, including evert-history analysis, Bayesian statistics, and experimental design.
Professor Jin completed her PhD at the University of Iowa. Her book project, The Politics of Economic Inequality in China, looks at the public awareness and perceptions of economic inequality in China, the Chinese government’s attempt to manage public perceptions, and how citizens respond to government propaganda.
Professor Jin has conducted survey experiments and interviews in China. Her articles have appeared in the Political Analysis (co-authored with Fred Boehmke), Chinese Sociological Review (co-authored with Wenfang Tang and Yue Hu), and Constitutional Political Economy (with Yu Wang).