UMass Boston

General Medicine
All departmental services are located in the Quinn Administration Building, 2nd floor.
Phone: 617-287-5660
Fax: 617-287-3977
Counseling Center

24/7 Crisis Phone Support

Phone: 617.287.5690
Fax: 617.287.5507
Health & Wellness

Gambling & Sports Betting

Gambling is common social activity enjoyed by many cultures, but it can lead to addiction for some. Problem gambling, or gambling addiction, includes behavior patterns that compromise, disrupt, or damage personal, family, or vocational pursuits. Alarmingly, problem gambling has the highest rates of suicide of any addictive disorders, with 1 in 5 problem gamblers attempting suicide. 


On-Campus Services

The UHS Counseling Center provides mental health support for all UMass Boston students at zero cost.
For 24/7 non-emergency assistance, please call (617) 287-5690.


Community Resources

Community helplines

The Department of Public Health's Office of Problem Gambling Services, in collaboration with DPH's Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, offers various gambling treatment services. These services are available regardless of insurance coverage, and translation services can be provided upon request.


Resources on Gambling Addiction

Explore these valuable resources to understand and address gambling addiction. Whether you're looking for support, information, or guidance, these resources provide essential tools to help manage and overcome gambling-related challenges. Stay informed and take proactive stpes towards a healthier relationship with gambling.

General Medicine
All departmental services are located in the Quinn Administration Building, 2nd floor.
Phone: 617-287-5660
Fax: 617-287-3977
Counseling Center

24/7 Crisis Phone Support

Phone: 617.287.5690
Fax: 617.287.5507
Health & Wellness