UMass Boston

Events, Support and Training

The TEACH team hosts periodic events where faculty share resources and best practices with each other. Find useful resources on this page.

The Latest Events

Mental Wellness Resources

Care Guide

A resource for students that faculty can share, and we’d love to have it shared as widely as possible!  If you are feeling stressed, tense, or like you could use a few more ways to care for yourself this year, we have a great website for you. We are happy to announce the Care Guide, a brand new website designed to help students engage in self and community care created by UMB-UR-BEST! View the site at or

It has resources you can use to care for yourself, your loved ones, and your communities. There are activities you can do right now, readings to help you explore how you think about caring, communities to connect to, and much more. These resources are meant for everyone but were made with students with diverse identities and circumstances in mind. This includes free resources, information about coping with discrimination, resources for parents and caregivers, and resources intended for many non-traditional or marginalized students.

Mental wellness suggestions for students, who are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety