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Info for Faculty & Staff
Welcome to your Info for Faculty and Staff web page for assisting you in successfully obtaining sponsored (i.e., external) funds to support your critically important work in the areas of research, innovation, scholarship, creativity, education and training, and service and outreach activities.
Here you have access to information, resources, and staff available through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) as you endeavor to identify a source of funds, prepare and submit an application to a sponsor, and then manage your award.
When you have questions or need additional information, the ORSP staff are available to assist you. To identify and speak with your contact person visit the Whom to Contact web page.
Please Note: All proposals for external funds MUST be submitted through the ORSP, and must be completed and delivered to the ORSP no later than 5 business days prior to sponsor deadlines. Requests to change the original terms and conditions governing the use of your award funds must be made through the ORSP and not directly to the sponsor.
An award made to you is, in fact, an award made to the University of Massachusetts Boston. Thus we are as an institution legally required to ensure that any research you propose conforms to all federal, state, and, as applicable, other laws and regulations governing the use of sponsored funds, human subjects in research, animal subjects in research, and the use of hazardous materials in research.
NIH 8.2.1 Rights in Data (Publication and Copyrighting)