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Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Research involving human participants must be reviewed and approved by the UMass Boston Institutional Review Board (IRB) before the study begins. The IRB is an independent ethics committee established to determine if human research studies follow the ethical principles and federal regulations with the primary goal of protecting human participants. The IRB has the authority to approve, disapprove or require modifications of these studies.
All PIs and research personnel must follow the requirements in the Investigator Manual (HRP-103).
Please visit the below pages for additional information:
- Applying to the IRB Start here for initial applications
- Managing an IRB Protocol
- Required Training
- Deadlines and Meetings
- Do You Need IRB Review?
Changes to the federal regulations for the Protection of Human Subjects (also known as the Common Rule) have been in effect since January 21, 2019. Download a summary of revisions to the Common Rule.
Institutional Information:
- Federalwide Assurance (FWA) #: 00004634; Expiration 10/16/2025
- IRB Registration #: 00000690
- IORG #: 0000405
Contact Information:
- Sharon Wang, IRB Manager
- Marissa Mei, Research Compliance Specialist II
Questions? Contact the IRB team. Please provide your IRB ID number and PI name so that we can best assist you.